Founded in 2010, LEFTFIELD TRAINING stands as a counterpoint to the nonsense — the non-sense — of the fitness, dietary, and wellness industries.

Since 2010, I’ve led hundreds of people to the understanding they can do all of it themselves. That they need nothing. To the realisation that fitness, dietary health and our broader well-being are natural extensions to an increased awareness of and connection to their bodies. An outcome more mainstream practices only make increasingly difficult.

I have an athletic background, playing team sports all through childhood in addition to swimming, sailing, waterskiing and windsurfing - anything on the water. I came to the fitness world via a life-changing injury and my subsequent search for treatment for chronic pain. I specialise in callisthenics (bodyweight exercise), corrective exercise, kettlebells, nutrition coaching and the keystone to all of it, behaviour change. I have had a lifelong interest in the development of human potential, and learning in general.

I’ve worked as a Divemaster, chef, DJ and actor and have wide-ranging interests with reading on the podium and everything else: acting, writing, martial arts, cooking, swimming, psychology and meditation in an eternal death match for second. I also make a mean sweet-spiced almond.

In keeping with an ‘always a white belt’ mentality, I am a self-declared expert in none of them. Maybe reading.

Okay, and spiced almonds


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Fitness through simple alignment with the physiological principles that govern your body and mind.


Writing about fitness. Mostly. But not as you know it.